When the trailer of Jawan was released, Shah Rukh Khan's dialogue 'Bete ko hath lagane se pehle baap se baat kar' (Before laying your hand on the son, speak to his father) went viral. Now Sameer Wankhede, the officer in charge of investigating Aryan Khan's case, has reacted to it and labelled it as 'roadside.'

Speaking to MensXP, Wankhede said, "This dialogue sounds very roadside to me. I neither watch movies nor listen to any dialogues. I don’t know anything about this movie. But if someone has targeted this towards me, then I would like to respond to it in English.” Wankhede then quoting another writer said, “I have burnt many houses and bridges and I have danced on those burnt houses and bridges so I fear no

hell, so please don’t scare me.”

Earlier too, Wankhede had shared a cryptic note after the dialogue had gone viral post trailer's release. The former officer shared a quote by Nicole Lyons which read, “I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you."

The dialogue from Jawan went viral as fans presumed that it was SRK's indirect way of responding to the numerous rumours and reports about his son Aryan Khan's case at the time.

The superstar's son Aryan was arrested for allegedly possessing drugs. However, he was later cleared of all charges. Sameer Wankhede was the officer in charge of investigating Aryan's case.
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