Sanjana Sanghi, who stole away the limelight in late Sushant Singh Rajput's last film Dil Bechara, has finally bagged her next project. The diva will be seen opposite actor Aditya Roy Kapoor in the upcoming film Om: The Battle Within. She will be seen playing a confident and hard-working girl and will also do a lot of action. The project will be helmed by Kapil Verma and produced by Zee Studios, Ahmed Khan and Shaira Khan.
Taran Adarsh took to social media and wrote, "ADITYA ROY KAPUR - SANJANA SANGHI... #SanjanaSanghi to star opposite #AdityaRoyKapur in #Om: The Battle Within... Directed by Kapil Verma... Produced by Zee Studios, Ahmed Khan and Shaira Khan... Will be shot in three cities in #India and one international location."
alking about her character, Sanjana Sanghi said, "My character Kavya is a girl I know each of us young girls in India aspires to be. She is confident, extremely hard working and sharp, empathetic, brave and a crucial tenet of our film. She’s nothing like we’ve ever seen before on celluloid. I’m so excited to bring her to life, and I know I’m going to learn so much from her I’m doing tons of action in the film, and various kinds of training and
prep for the same is ongoing. It’s testing and pushing me both physically and mentally, but is so thrilling! Getting to work with Adi is the best part of it all, he’s working so hard for the film and is going to shine."
Producer Ahmed Khan added, "In her debut film, Sanjana handled her role with great maturity and in OM, the character what she plays is of a young girl who handles great responsibilities and she is perfectly suited for it."
It is said that Om: The Battle Within is an action film and both the actors will be seen doing high-octane action scenes. Sanjana added, "Getting to delve into the action genre so early on, is something I view as an absolute honour and have immense gratitude for to my producers, Ahmed Khan, Zee Studios and my director Kapil for the potential they have seen in me being able to pull of such a unique part in our film. After exploring many scripts and possibilities for a while, Om felt just right since it was the spectrum jump I was looking for in terms of throwing myself into an entirely unchartered territory of a big commercial actioner being executed in a never-seen-before way that is going to present me with new and exciting challenges."
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