Rohit Shetty's adventure-based reality show has finally come to an end and the winner of the 13th season of Khatron Ke Khiladi was announced today. The top 3 contestants were seen fighting against each other for the winner's trophy. Before the finale stunt, Rohit Shetty played a funny game with Nyra. Later he gives awards to the winners from all the nominated contestants from different categories.  Dino James successfully defeated others and was declared the winner of this season. Arjit Taneja bagged the second position as the first  runner up. The winner also took home the prize money of Rs 20 lakhs, the trophy and

Maruti Suzuki Swift Car. 

The top three contestants who made it to the finale are Aishwarya Sharma, Dino James, and Arijit Taneja. The first stunt was performed by Arjit Taneja and he successfully completed it. Next stunt was performed by Aishwarya Sharma, but she couldn't complete the given stunt. The third finalist Dino James began the stunt and he successfully completed it. In the finale stunt, the last stage of the task, contestant had to fire the dynamite, and before the blast happens, the contestant had to pulled ot. The twist in this was during this entire stunt there was no safety harness.
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