Ever since its release, Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starrer Gadar 2 has been ruling hearts and headlines. While the film is inching close to Rs 500 crore mark at the domestic box office, director Anil Sharma has now expressed that his movie should go for the Oscars. In a recent interview, Sharma shared that he is working towards completing application procedures for the Academy Awards.

“People are calling me repeatedly to send the film to the Oscars,” he said and then added, “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001) didn’t go, so I don’t know how Gadar 2 will go, but we are at it. But Gadar 2 should go; the film deserves it. Gadar also deserved it. Gadar was based on the 1947 partition, and we told the story in a very different way. It was a new and original story, and Gadar 2 is also a new and original story.”

Anil Sharma further argued that even he seeks appreciation and therefore needs awards for Gadar 2. “We have touched people’s hearts with Gadar 2. I won’t lie, but even we want awards. But I don’t expect it because I know that I won’t get it. I hear there is lots of lobbying and PR involved in these things, and I am not a political person. I have never lobbied for awards," he


Ever since its release, Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starrer Gadar 2 has been ruling hearts and headlines. While the film is inching close to Rs 500 crore mark at the domestic box office, director Anil Sharma has now expressed that his movie should go for the Oscars. In a recent interview with the Indian Express, Sharma shared that he is working towards completing application procedures for the Academy Awards.

“People are calling me repeatedly to send the film to the Oscars,” he said and then added, “Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001) didn’t go, so I don’t know how Gadar 2 will go, but we are at it. But Gadar 2 should go; the film deserves it. Gadar also deserved it. Gadar was based on the 1947 partition, and we told the story in a very different way. It was a new and original story, and Gadar 2 is also a new and original story.”

Anil Sharma further argued that even he seeks appreciation and therefore needs awards for Gadar 2. “We have touched people’s hearts with Gadar 2. I won’t lie, but even we want awards. But I don’t expect it because I know that I won’t get it. I hear there is lots of lobbying and PR involved in these things, and I am not a political person. I have never lobbied for awards," he said.
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