Film Heritage Foundation on Friday announced a film festival to celebrate Amitabh Bachchan's 80th birthday, as a part of which movies featuring the megastar will be screened in 17 cities across the country. The not-for-profit organisation, founded by filmmaker and archivist Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, has curated a collection of 11 blockbuster films such as “Don”, “Kaala Patthar”, and “Kaalia”, in partnership with leading multiplex chain PVR Cinemas.

The four-day day event, titled 'Bachchan Back To The Beginning', will open on October 8 and close on October 11, the star's birthday. The gala will cover 172 showcases and 30 screens across 22 cinema

halls all over India.

Bachchan said he never thought he would see a day that all these films from his early career would be back on the big screen. "It is a remarkable initiative of the Film Heritage Foundation and PVR to showcase not just my work, but the work of my directors, fellow actors and technicians of the time who made these films possible.

"It brings back an era that is gone, but not forgotten. This is why saving India's film heritage is so important. I hope that this is just the beginning of many festivals that will celebrate landmark films of Indian cinema back on the big screen," the 79-year-old actor said in a statement.
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