Chhaava, starring Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna in the lead roles, is making headlines for all the wrong reasons. The film landed into controversy soon after its trailer was released earlier this week. In the trailer, a dance sequence of Vicky and Rashmika, who are portraying the roles of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and Maharani Yesubai respectively, has raised the eyebrows of many. Now, Maharashtra Minister for Industries and Marathi Language has now warned the makers of the film to remove objectionable scenes from the film.
Taking to his X handle, Maharashtra Minister Uday Samant clarified his position over the ongoing controversy and demanded an expert review of the film. ''It is a matter of joy that a Hindi film based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the
protector of religion and protector of freedom, is being made. Such efforts are necessary to make the world understand the history of Chhatrapati. However, many have expressed their opinions that there are some objectionable scenes in this film. Our position is that this film should not be released without first showing it to experts and knowledgeable people. Anything that will harm the honor of the Maharaj will not be tolerated,'' he wrote in his post.
Demanding an immediate action over the 'controversial' scenes in Chhaava, he added, ''Our position is that the producers and directors of the film should take immediate action in this regard and remove anything objectionable. The further decision will be taken after watching the film, otherwise this film will not be allowed to be released!''