British novelist Agatha Christie's The Sittaford Mystery is all set for its Indian adaptation. Bollywood filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj will be making his OTT debut with the Indian adaptation of The Sittaford Mystery. It is titled Charlie Chopra & The Mystery Of Solang Valley and will stream on SonyLIV. The OTT platform made an official announcement about the same. The series will be directed by Vishal Bhardwaj, who will also serve as co-producer on the project. The details of the star cast have also been revealed.

Vishal Bhardwaj's project boasts an impressive star cast, which includes, Wamiqa Gabbi, Priyanshu Painyuli, Naseeruddin Shah, Neena Gupta, Ratna Pathak Shah, Gulshan Grover, Lara Dutta, Chandan

Roy Sanyal, and Paoli Dam. The official synopsis of this project reads: "Set in the snow-capped mountains of Himachal Pradesh, the series will follow the journey of Charlie Chopra and her quest to uncover a deep mystery."

Speaking about this project, the filmmaker said, "I grew up devouring all of Agatha Christie's mysterious tales. Her plots, characters and setting remain unparalleled in the genre and continue to excite storytellers even today. It has been an incredible journey collaborating with James Prichard, great-grandson of Agatha Christie, who always brought unique perspectives to our team. Sony LIV and Priti Shahani have been the perfect partners for me to adapt this thrilling and mysterious world."
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