Laal Singh Chaddha has landed in a soup yet again. After Boycott Laal Singh Chaddha trended on Twitter and the film faced repercussions amid the ongoing cancel culture, Shiv Sena Hind, a fringe group, tried to stop the film's screening in Jalandhar's PVR cinemas had hurt their religious sentiments. Later, another activist group, Sikh Tal-Mel Committee, reached the mall and countered the opposing group.

Laal Singh Chaddha released on August 11. Starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, the film has been receiving flak for various reasons. Now that the film has hit the theatres, a few members of the Shiv Sena Hind tried to stop the screening

of Laal Singh Chaddha in Jalandhar's PVR cinemas at MBD Mall, alleging that the film had hurt their religious sentiments. They called Aamir Khan anti-Hindu and called for a boycott of his film. The fringe group also said that they would not allow the film's screening in theatres. As per the latest update, the demand letter was given to the DCP on their behalf, after which they left the venue.

On the other hand, a few members of the Sikh Tal-Mel Committee reached the mall in Jalandhar after receiving information about the fringe group. They said they will not allow a boycott of the film and that they are standing to see who stops the screening.
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