Since April, shoots of all TV shows, web series and films have been on complete halt in Maharashtra after state government imposed a lockdown due to rising Covid-19 cases. While the production of many TV shows shifted to different parts of Hyderabad, Gujarat and Rajasthan with limited crew, several people have been jobless. In this view, the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) has written a letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Monday. In the letter, FWICE has requested the CM to allow the resumption of work in the media and entertainment (M&E) industry.

The letter is signed by FWICE President BN Tiwari, General Secretary Ashok Dubey, Treasurer Gangeshwar Shrivastav and Chief Advisor Ashoke Pandit with Chief Advisor Sharad Shelar.

The letter reads, "With

reference to the subject matter, we would like to draw your attention to the numerous requests sent to you by the FWICE and the co-ordination committee regarding our request for resumption of work in the M&E Industry. However, none of our letters have been responded by your good office and no decision has been taken on our requests.

"Sir, let us apprise you that there are lakhs of artists, workers and technicians who are jobless since the past one and half years and that the only source of income for them is from the M&E Industry. This industry has been providing work to lakhs of hands and enabling their families to earn their daily bread. However, the lockdown of the Industry has impacted the lives of these daily wage workers who have absolute no other source of income and are totally dependent on the work of the Industry.
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