Ace director and choreographer Ganesh Acharya is set to present his next film, Sirf Tum Love Has No Reason. On the occasion of Makar Sankranti and Pongal, Ganesh Acharya shared the first motion poster of his upcoming film. Taking to his Instagram handle on Tuesday, Acharya shared a post, unveiling the new film's poster. He also thanked Boney Kapoor, the producer of the 1999 film with the same title starring Sanjay Kapoor and Priya Gill. The new
poster featured a sketch of a boy and a girl holding a pen together as they looked towards each other.
"Happy Makar Sankranti and Happy Pongal on this auspicious day I'm Presenting Sirf Tum, Love Has No Reason. This timeless love story will go on floors this April in Sydney, Australia. @ganeshacharyaa @vidhi.acharya @d.shivdasani @v2sproductionofficial @boney.kapoor @sameeranjaanofficial #SirfTum," read the caption of his post.