Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar tied the knot in 2020, and their happiness multiplied when they recently welcomed a baby boy. The proud parents have been overjoyed since his arrival, cherishing every moment with their one-month-old bundle of joy named Zehaan. Recently, Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar officially introduced their baby boy's name to the world. Expressing their love and joy, the couple shared heartwarming pictures of their small, adorable family on their Instagram handle, capturing the essence of this beautiful moment. The images of Gauahar, Zaid, and their baby boy are absolutely delightful and filled with pure love.

On Saturday, Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar delighted their fans by sharing a joint post featuring precious moments with their baby boy. The first snapshot captures Gauahar and Zaid gazing affectionately

at their adorable little munchkin, Zeehan. Gauahar cradles their bundle of joy in her arms, while Zaid stands by her side, engaged in a tender conversation with their son. Zehaan, with a curious expression, attentively observes his father, attempting to comprehend his words, while Gauahar looks on with immense love and admiration. The second image showcases Zaid cradling Zehaan while Gauahar tenderly holds their little one's hand, lost in a world of adoration. These heartfelt pictures truly epitomise the beautiful bond between Gauahar, Zaid, and their beloved Zehaan.

The caption of the post read, "Our ZEHAAN. Revealing our little ones name , ma sha Allah on his 1 month date since birth . Thank you all for ur love , seeking your continued blessings for him and requesting for privacy for our lil jaan . He sends his love." 
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