Actor Govinda has tested negative for COVID-19. The actor made the announcement on Thursday by dropping a video bearing his trademark style. Taking to his verified Instagram account, the 57-year-old star shared a Boomerang video in which he can be seen opening a door and walking into a room. He is dressed in a vibrant white T-shirt with red and black striped, which he teamed with white pants and shades. "Apun aa gayela hain (I'm
back)! #testednegative ," he wrote alongside the video.
His video was showered with love instantly. Fans wished him well and requested him to stay safe. They also urged their "Hero No 1" to feature in a new film post recovery. "Aa jao ji welcome Govinda ji," wrote a user, while another commented on his post writing, "Please make a film soon." Bollywood actors Ranveer Singh and Siddhant Chaturvedi too commented on the actor's post.
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