Aamir Khan is leaving no stone unturned to promote his upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha. Mr Perfectionist was in Delhi on Tuesday for the promotions of the film where he interacted with the press. During his interaction, Aamir made some interesting and shocking confessions. The actor shared that he has not been able to sleep for the past 48 hours because of his film. Aamir mentioned, "I am very nervous right now, it's been 48 hours I have not slept. I am not joking, I am not able to sleep. My brain is in overdrive, so I read books or play chess online. I will be able to sleep only after 11 August."

When he was asked what is he going to do after the release of the film on August 11, Aamir promptly said, "I will finally sleep after 11, I think me and Advait (director of 'Laal Singh Chadha') will sleep

peacefully and then when we wake up, the audience will tell us whether they liked the film or not. Will wake up and discover."

Talking about the reaction he is expecting from the audience after watching the film, the actor said, "I walk around in different theatres to watch the audience's genuine reaction to the film. The audience doesn't know that I am present in the hall. For the first week, I visit different cities and different halls to get the unfiltered reaction of the audience from the projection window or from the side doors. It depends on the theatre, where the hiding spot is better. Through this, I get an unfiltered response from the audience. If the audience knew that I am present in the hall, then the reaction may be different, but I want to experience a natural response from the public."
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