Veteran Bollywood couple Hema Malini and Dharmendra have become grandparents again. Their younger daughter Ahana Deol Vohra has been blessed with twin baby girls on November 26th.
Ahana and her husband Vaibhav took to their social media to share the news with their friends and fans. They also shared the names of their daughters- Astraia and Adea Vohra. On her Instagram stories, Ahana wrote, "Some miracles come in pairs. We
are blessed to announce the arrival of our twin girls, Astraia and Adea."
Ahana and Vaibhav already have a baby boy named Darien Vohra. The duo got married in a big fat Indian wedding on February 2, 2014 and welcomed their first child in 2015. Grandmother Hema Malini loves spending time with her grand children. Along with Ahana's son Darien, she loves to pamper her granddaughters Radhya and Miraya from elder daughter Esga Deol.
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