Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor in the lead role, is the first Bollywood blockbuster of 2024. As per, the high-octane actioner minted over Rs 200 crore nett in India and grossed over Rs 350 crore blobally. However, many of Hrithik and Deepika's fans are eagerly waiting for the release of Fighter on OTT.
The film was released in cinemas on the occasion of Republic Day on January 25, 2025 and within two months of its theatrical release,
Fighter is all set to premiere on OTT.
As per a report, the Siddharth Anand directorial will be streaming on Netflix from March 21 with an extended version, which has build up a fresh hype among the audience. The report also claims that the extended version will include the deleted scenes, which were not a part of the theatrical version.
Before Fighter's theatrical release, songs Ishq Jaisa Kuch and Bekaar Dil were removed, which were later included.