Vikram Vedha teaser is awaited eagerly by the fans. The movie went on the floors last year and has completed filming on June 10. The promotional stills have been trending on social media and being widely circulated among the fan clubs, making Vikram Vedha one of the most anticipated Bollywood films coming out this year. Now, there is huge speculation around its teaser launch, which, if social media trends are to be believed, isn't far away. It stars Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan in lead roles, with Rohit

Saraf, Radhika Apte and Yogita Bihani.

As per speculation on Twitter, Vikram Vedha teaser has been attached to the upcoming films Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan, which are releasing on August 11. Since the teaser will be shown with the movies in theatres, it may simultaneously be launched online on the same date. Since the rumours around the launch of Vikram Vedha teaser have gathered pace on social media, fans have been reacting to it as they expressed immense excitement. 
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