Bollywood's actor Hrithik Roshan who celebrates his 47th birthday today finally broke the big news. Ending all speculations, he shared a glimpse of his upcoming film Fighter co-starring Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone. Reportedly, it is going to be a grand action film. Hrithik took to his Instagram account and shared, "Presenting a glimpse of the MARFLIX vision as #Fighter! Looking forward to my first flight alongside the exceptional @deepikapadukone. All buckled up for this Sid Anand joyride. #SiddharthAnand"
Both Deepika and Hrithik had been dropping hints that something is brewing between the two on the professional front for their fans on Twitter.
Hrithik had wished Deepika on her birthday last week. He had tweeted, "Happy Birthday my dear @deepikapadukone! Keep shining and dazzling the world like only you do. Best wishes, always."
To which Deepika had
replied to him, "Thank You so much HR! Now for another big celebration coming up in a couple of days...!" along with emojis of a champagne bottle with popping cork and clinking glasses.
Today, reacting to her own tweet, Deepika wrote on Hrithik's birthday "Err....or Two!? #double #celebration," along with a party face emoji. Further, fueling speculations about a big announcement, Hrithik replied to her tweet with just a finger on the lip emoji.
Deepika also shared a glimpse of the film and wrote that dreams do come true.
Titled Fighter, it is directed by Siddharth Anand, who also helmed War and Hrithik's 2014 actioner Bang Bang. As per reports, Hrithik Roshan is going to play the role of an air force officer while the role of Deepika has been kept under wraps. But both are expected to do loads of action in the film. The film is slated to release on September 30, 2022.
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