Lock Upp, hosted by Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, ever since its first day, has been in the news for a number of controversies surrounding its contestants. Well, the reality show that airs on ALTBalaji was inching towards its finale and has already announced some of its finalists. However, now it seems that another tension has grabbed the makers. Yes, that's true! The City Civil Court of Hyderabad has banned the streaming of Ekta Kapoor's reality show 'Lock Up' on any platform. Not only this but the court has also issued an injunction. The maker Ekta Kapoor has been informed about this, but instead of stopping her show, she has been going on with the same.

The petitioner's counsel Jagadishwar Rao said that they are not complying with the order of the court, violating the order. It was also argued on behalf of the petitioner Pride Media's Sanobar Baig that the concept of 'The Jail' belonged to him, the construction of 'The Jail' was delayed due to the lockdown. There was also a script to put 22 celebrities together for 100 days, which was stolen. He shared his idea with Abhishek Rege of Endemol Shine and

Abhishek cheated on him.

After Ekta Kapoor's show Lockup was accused of copyright infringement, the matter reached the court. The petitioner, Sanobar Baig, had said that the concept, named 'The Jail', belonged to him. Due to this, on February 23, the Hyderabad City Civil Court had banned 'Lockup' to stream on any platform.

On April 13, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court to stop the telecast of Ekta Kapoor's show, which was refused to be considered by the Supreme Court, asking to go to the lower court. The petition challenged an order of the Telangana High Court, which had quashed the 'interim injunction' filed in the trial court against the release and publication of Kangana Ranaut's reality show, to be heard under 'interim injunction'.

Until this occurs, the party concerned is temporarily restrained from performing a particular type of task.

The petitioner says that now the City Civil Court of Hyderabad issued the "Grant of Injunction" order on April 29 and this order was delivered to them, yet they are violating the order of the court.
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