Shehnaaz Gill is all set to make her big Bollywood debut with Salman Khan's Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. The film is slated to release on 21 April 2023. The star cast of the film recently graced The Kapil Sharma Show, where Shehnaaz made the big disclosure. The Bigg Boss 13 star shared that when Bhaijaan called her for the role, she blocked his number.

Speaking about the incident, Shenaaz shared that she was in Amritsar at the time when she received calls from an unknown number. She blocked the number because she didn't want to accept the calls at the time, only to find out later that it was the Bollywood star who was calling.

"I was in Amritsar visiting the Gurudwara when I received a call from an unknown number. And I have this habit of blocking unknown numbers, so I did

the same. Then after a few minutes, I got a message that Salman sir is trying to call me. Just to verify, I put the number on the Truecaller app and found out that it was actually Salman Khan calling me! I immediately unblocked him and called him back; it was then that he offered me the film and that’s how I got the film," she said. 

Shehnaaz Gill recently expressed gratitude to Salman Khan for offering her the film. She said, "When I went to shoot for my first music video, I was rejected. I was told, ‘Ye kaunsi bachchi leke aaye hai, we don’t want to shoot with her. Take her back.’ I came back and cried a lot at home, that I’ve been rejected. My mom told me why am I crying, one day I would be in a Salman Khan film. Sir gave me a chance and proved that mom’s words always come true."
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