Actor Abhishek Bachchan has a special request to his "Dhoom 3" co-star Aamir Khan. He says he would like to be directed by the latter one day. "'Dhoom' gave me the once in a lifetime opportunity to work with @_aamirkhan and if given another opportunity I wouldn't act with him, I want to be directed by him!!! So Aamir, if you're reading this, kindly consider my request," Abhishek posted on Instagram. He also recalled shooting with him during "Dhoom 3".

"Aamir was so warm and forthcoming as a co-actor. Very helpful

and accommodating. I can only imagine what a wonderful director he must be. Apart from his great talent he is so down to earth and fun loving on set despite what scene we would do.

"One of my fondest memories was when we shot a few scenes in Six Flags amusement park in Chicago. The park was shut and it was just the unit that was allowed in. The minute Aamir and I would get the shortest of breaks, we'd run off the the closest roller-coaster and ask them put it on just for us. What a luxury!Good times," Abhishek added.
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