A lot of old and iconic shows have made their way to the Television screens once again amid the current scenario of coronavirus lockdown. Recently, public broadcaster Doordarshan announced the re-run of Ramayan and Mahabharat. Then fans wanted them to bring back all the popular shows of that time. Soon a re-telecast of shows like Shaktimaan, Byomkesh Bakshi, Circus, etc was announced. Well now, another name has been added to the list and it is that of Dekh Bhai Dekh which was one of the most classic sit-com depicting the story of the Diwan family.


show went AIR on April 1 and the announcement of the same was made on Twitter by the official account of the channel which read. "Watch iconic comic show #DekhBhaiDekh which beautifully shows the unique bonding between the three generations of the Diwan family at 6 pm ONLY on @DDNational."

The show which featured actors like Farida Jalal, Shekhar Suman, Sushma Seth, Navin Nischol, Bhavana Balsavar, Urvashi Dholakia and Deven Bhojani was based on the story family with three generations and how they faced the ups and downs in life with a comic backdrop. 
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