In Tom Hanks' evergreen film Forrest Gump, the titular character's mother had a crucial role in his life as he would often quote his mother’s teachings during his landmark moments. In the Indian adaptation of the movie, actress Mona Singh plays the role of the mother of Forrest Gump's Indian counterpart, named Laal Singh Chaddha (played by Aamir Khan). It was expected that Mona’s role will be a pivotal element in the movie, and she has not disappointed her fans and critics. Riding high on the positive reviews received by cine lovers for recreating the iconic role of Sally Field, Mona Singh, 40, recently opened up about the concerns people have about the age difference between her and Aamir Khan, who is 57.

In an interview with IndiaToday.in, the actress explained that what people are

calling the age difference between her and Aamir is actually the age difference between their characters in the film. She said that people need to realize that her role is that of the character’s mother and not Aamir’s in real life.

She told IndiaToday.in, “There was the whole thing [debate] going on. I didn't want to talk about it before because I wanted people to see the movie. And I am an actor. I am not playing Aamir Khan's mother, I am playing Laal's mother. As Laal ages, I age in the movie. It is not an Aamir Khan biopic where he is 57 and I am 40 and playing a mother. That would be wrong. Honestly, it did not once cross my mind that I might be doing the wrong thing. I was so confident and I’m sure that most people would not question the age gap once they watched the film.”
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