The popular reality show hosted by superstar Salman Khan started with a grand premiere on October 1. The show amasses a massive fan base from different age groups. The show sees celebrities from different walks of life competing for the big title. Recently, there were reports that internet sensation Kili Paul was about to enter the show. Finally, raising the excitement, the makers have unveiled the promo. The upcoming episode has a massive surprise for the contestants, as an internet sensation, Kili Paul, will be gracing the show.

On Tuesday, the makers dropped a promo that features Kili Paul making the grand entry into the house. The cutest contestant, Abdu Rozik, gave him a

warm welcome. He also said, "Swagat nahi kroge humara" (Will you not welcome us). Then the two danced together, and the moment looked wholesome. After that, the other housemates also danced with the Tanzanian creator. The video was uploaded on the official Twitter handle of ColorsTV and the caption read, "Ghar mein hoga dhamaal jab Tanzania se aayenge Kili Paul."

The Tanzanian creator, Kili Paul, is slated to enter the Bigg Boss 16 house, although not as a contender, but for a special reason. He will be conducting a special task, and contestants Abdu Rozik and MC Stan will perform with him. MC Stan and Abdu Rozik are the two contestants that have a massive following on social media.
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