Shah Rukh Khan, who has had a historic year at the box office, recently opened up about the ‘double stress’ he is looking forward to since his daughter Suhana Khan has joined the film business. SRK also spoke about his son Aryan Khan becoming a director and insisted that him and his wife Gauri Khan gave their kids the freedom as to what they wanted to be in their careers.

In a chat with MBC Bollywood, SRK was asked about his kids joining the film industry and he said, “It’s double stress. We have

more Fridays to look forward to or get anxious about. More thrills of box office and worries and dealing with each other but I’m happy because… My son and my daughter are in their 20s so they have kind of seen my life at least for a good 10-12 years as an actor and experienced it firsthand. Maybe there were times when I have reacted to situations as an actor or a star and they have not comprehended it but stood by me, tried to give me solace or celebrated with me without realising the importance of what was happening in my life.”
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