Producer Aanand L Rai after wrapping up the Delhi schedule of his upcoming film Atrangi Re starring Akshay Kumar, Dhanush, and Sara Ali Khan in December, is now ready to take on the floors his next production venture starring Janhvi Kapoor. Aanand L Rai took to his Instagram account and shared the news on Monday that the shoot for the film titled Good Luck Jerry has begun in Punjab. "Colour Yellow welcomes 2021 with #GoodLuckJerry starring #JanhviKapoor! The shooting of our new film has begun today!" the filmmaker wrote.
Good Luck Jerry also stars Deepak Dobriyal, Meeta
Vashishth, Neeraj Sood and Sushant Singh in pivotal roles. The first schedule of the film is expected to continue till March. The movie, backed by Rai's Colour Yellow Productions, is directed by Sidharth Sengupta and written by Pankaj Matta.
Good Luck Jerry is said to be the Hindi remake of Tamil film Kolamaavu Kokila and will see the Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor take on Nayantara's role. Early this morning, Janhvi even shared a mirror selfie from her vanity van that hinted at the star was all set to shoot for her upcoming venture. 'Sweater Weather' she captioned the post.
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