The shooting of Janhvi Kapoor-starrer Good Luck Jerry was halted by a group of farmers in Punjab earlier this week. A group of protesters barged into the location and disrupted the shoot on Monday. They demanded that the actress make a public statement in support of farmers. The protesting farmers left the sets only after assurances from the crew. Later, the actress issued a statement on Instagram supporting farmers.
On Monday, a group of farmers gathered at Bassi Pathana city and halted the shooting of Good Luck Jerry, which stars Janhvi Kapoor in the lead role. They demanded
the actress's opinion on the farmers' protest against the farm laws. However, the group was dispersed by the movie crew as they pledged support for the protest. Directed by Siddharth Sengupta, the film is being produced by Aanand L Rai.
"They had told the crew and the director that Bollywood actors have neither said anything in support of farmers' protest nor made any comment. When the film director assured them that Janhvi Kapoor would make a comment on the protest, they went back. The shoot is going on," a local police officer, Balwinder Singh, was quoted by news agency ANI.
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