Jawan director Atlee called superstar Shah Rukh Khan his 'godfather' in cinema while talking about his new pickleball team. Atlee and his wife, Priya, are now owners of Bengaluru Jawans. While speaking about owning the team, Atlee also said that he was inspired by Shah Rukh Khan and his journey with KKR.
Speaking about the team and his inspiration to own a pickleball team, Atlee said, “My biggest inspiration is Shah Rukh Sir had KKR in India Premiere League (IPL). So I have
been with him. He’s always there, he’s always my Godfather in cinema. So whatever he has done, whatever he has taught me, I am just doing it, that’s it!”
Atlee and Shah Rukh Khan collaborated for Jawan, which was one of the biggest hits not only of 2023 but of all time. The film shattered several box office records. Atlee too, time and again, has thanked Shah Rukh Khan. In one of the award shows, the director even touched the superstar's feet, with fans praising his humility.