A special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court in Mumbai acquitted actor Sooraj Pancholi in Jiah Khan's case. He was accused of allegedly abetting the actress' suicide. Jiah, who was best known for starring in Nishabd opposite Amitabh Bachchan, was found dead at her home in Mumbai on June 3, 2013. She was 25. "Due to paucity of evidence, this court can't hold you (Sooraj Pancholi) guilty, hence acquitted," said Judge AS Sayyed of special CBI court in Mumbai.'

Jiah Khan's mother Rabia Khan refuted the prosecution's case that this was a case of suicide and claimed that her daughter was killed. "I will fight till my last breath. He (Sooraj Pancholi) has been released on abetment but my daughter has been murdered. I will appeal further, I have submitted all the proofs to the agency but they did nothing."

As per the Central Bureau of Investigation, the letter, which was seized by

Mumbai police that began its probe on June 10, 2013, was written by Jiah Khan. The CBI claimed the note narrated her "intimate relationship, physical abuse and mental and physical torture” allegedly at the hands of Sooraj Pancholi, which led to her committing suicide. The case was reassigned to a special CBI court in 2021 after the sessions court said it did not have jurisdiction over the case as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had probed it.

Special CBI Judge AS Sayyad, after hearing the final arguments of both sides, last week reserved his judgment in the case for April 28. Jiah Khan's mother Rabia Khan, a key prosecution witness in the case, told the court she believed it was a case of murder and not suicide. "I want the truth to be out, Jiah khan did not take her own life. We have spent 10 years exposing the truth based on factual evidence. Now it is up to the court to draw the right conclusions."
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