The upcoming black comedy series titled 'Choona' has booked its new release date. The series, which stars Jimmy Shergill, Namit Das, Aashim Gulati, Gyanendra Tripathi, Vikram Kochhar, Chandan Roy, Atul Srivastava, Monika Panwar and Niharika Lyra Dutt in key roles, will now release on Netflix on September 29.

It follows an exhilarating ride through a whirlwind of vengeance and chaos as the resilient team of underdogs band together to settle the score against formidable politician, Shukla Ji (played by Jimmy Shergill).

The series boasts of many laughter-filled moments, unexpected leadership gone wrong, some astrological insights, and sneaky espionage as the stars seem to be undeniably aligned for this crew of misfits.

It also has a crazy bunch of characters like the shape-shifting informer, Triloki (played by Namit Das), a gully ka gunda, Ansari (played by Aashim Gulati), a demoted police officer, Bankey (played by Gyanendra

Tripathi), a once successful contractor, JP Yadav (played by Vikram Kochar), and a resourceful mediator, Bishnu (played by Chandan Roy).

They along with an astrologer form an unusual bond to take down their common enemy - Shukla as they sketch a hilariously haphazard heist scheme.

Earlier, actor Gyanendra Tripathi had spoken with IANS about his struggles to become an actor as he funded his FTII education with the money that he earned from his BPO job.

He told IANS that he applied for several BPO jobs since people were earning salaries in double figures there, which was a huge thing at that time. ''I happened to get a job in Infosys BPO which was based in Pune. I grabbed that opportunity because I wanted to be in Pune where FTII was. I thought I would earn and save money from my job, then take admission to FTII and pay my fees with that savings. I started working on this plan and I got selected in FTII in my second attempt,'' he said.
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