On Mother’s Day today, South actress Kajal Aggarwal shared the first photos of her little boy, Neil on Instagram. While his face was hardly visible, the tiny glimpse made fans happy. But prior to sharing photos of her son, Kajal posted a beautiful poem titled Dear Mum. But, the actress allegedly failed to give credit to the writer of the poem, and in turn, was called out by the latter on her Instagram stories.

Later, Kajal edited her post, added the credit and disabled the comment section of the post. Most of the stories have now been removed from the original writer of the poem, Sarah.

Kajal Aggarwal is celebrating her first Mother’s Day today, May 8, as a mum. A little before she shared photos with her baby boy Neil, the

actress posted a poem titled Dear Mum, originally penned by a writer named Sarah, who goes by the name Matrescent Muse on Instagram. Kajal, at first, apparently didn’t credit the original writer of the post and the latter, called out the actress on her Instagram stories. Her initial few stories now stand deleted.

However, in Sarah’s recent Instagram stories, she mentioned, “Wow, thanks for the support, everyone! Hopefully, it's just a misunderstanding! I submitted a copyright infringement report via Instagram anyway, which should encourage for credit to be given (sic).” Later, Kajal added the copyright on her poem but disabled the comment section post facing backlash. Taking to her stories again, Sarah thanked her Instagram community for the support.
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