Legendary actor Kamal Haasan joined Rahul Gandhi in the Bharat Jodo Yatra, which entered Delhi from Haryana on Saturday morning. Apart from Haasan, family members of freedom fighters and top Congress leaders are expected to join Gandhi in the Delhi leg of his Bharat Jodo Yatra. Clad in a black suit, Haasan, who has been filming for his upcoming movie Indian 2, took time out from work and joined the yatra which kick-started on September 7 in Kanyakumari. 

The Bharat Jodo Yatra completed 100 days on December 16. Till now, several celebrities including Swara Bhasker, Pooja Bhatt, Amol Palekar and wife Sandhya Gokhale, Riya Sen, Sushant Singh, Rashami Desai and Onir have joined Rahul Gandhi in the Bharat Jodo Yatra in various states. In Delhi, Kamal Haasan joined Gandhi as they walked side-by-side on the streets. At least 40,000 to 50,000 yatris are expected to participate in the yatra in the national capital. 

Earlier, Makkal Needhi Maiam (MKM) president and Indian cinema icon Kamal Haasan announced on social media that he will join the Bharat Jodo Yatra in

Delhi. In a video announcement, he shared that Gandhi invited him to be part of the yatra as a citizen and not as a politician. He also appealed to Tamilians in the national capital to join the yatra.

Meanwhile, photos of Haasan and Rahul Gandhi from the Bharat Jodo Yatra have gone viral on social media. 

They were surrounded by thousands of people on the streets. "Artist is a medium through which society is portrayed on screen, there is no separation between the two, superstar Kamal Hassan proves it yet again as he joins the #BharatJodoYatra in Delhi," wrote the official Twitter handle of Indian Youth Congress as they shared moments of Haasan and Rahul Gandhi from Bharat Jodo Yatra. 

At the Red Fort, Kamal Haasan spoke from the dias about joining the Bharat Jodo Yatra. He said, "Many people ask me why I'm here. I'm here as an Indian. My father was a Congressman. I had various ideologies & started my own political party but when it comes to the country, all political party lines have to blur. I blurred that line and came here."
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