Ekta Kapoor on Wednesday took to social media to announce her new web show. The producer in the video hints at launching a reality show but said that ‘dancing and singing’ is not her cup of tea. Assuring that the reality show would have drama, she also addressed the speculation around the anchor. “You will know about it soon. All I can say is that it’s a debut the whole world was waiting for, including me.” As per sources, it’s Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut who will be taking charge of Ekta’s new show, that’s based on the format of international show

‘Temptation Island’. The actor had even confirmed the news yesterday on her Instagram but quickly deleted it.

The makers have planned a grand launch of the show on February 3. Kangana, who is making her digital debut, will be seen in an interesting avatar. “The format has youngsters being locked in a secluded island and given various tasks. Apart from being the host, Kangana will also act as the judge or police, who will give them the task. She will be the only connection for them,” the source added. The show will air on ALTBalaji and MX Player.
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