Kangana Ranaut slammed filmmaker Karan Johar's co-produced film Selfiee on its release day. Starring Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi in the lead, the film is directed by Raj Mehta. Reacting to a box office report of Selfiee which compared Kangana with Akshay, the actress lauded Karan Johar mockingly. Taking to her Instagram story, Kangana wrote, "Karan Johar movie Selfiee has hardly made 10 lakhs on the first day I don't see even one trade or media person talk about it forget mocking or bullying him the way they harass me...''

In her second post, Kangana shared a news article with the headline that Akshay is 'Male version of Kangana Ranaut! and wrote, "I was looking for news about selfie flop I found all the news is about me... Ye bhi meri he Galati hai," with some laughing emojis. She went on

to add, "Wah bhai Karan johar wah (Congrats)."

Kangana went on sharing some more news articles. And then concluded in a separate post, "web is full of hundreds of articles where selfie failure is blamed on me and Akshay sir no mention of Karna Johar name at all, this is how mafia manipulates news and build perception that suits their narrative..."

The final collection of the first day of 'Selfiee' is awaited.  Trade experts predicted that Selfiee will record a collection ranging between Rs 4 to 5 crore on its opening day, Friday. Taran Adarsh took to Twitter to share the initial numbers of the day. He shared in the post, "'SELFIEE' AT NATIONAL CHAINS - *WEEK 1* - FRIDAY STATUS... Update: 4.30 pm. #PVR: 28 lacs #INOX: 22 lacs #Cinepolis: 13 lacs Total: Rs 63 lacs .
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