Actor and politician Kangana Ranaut recently appeared on musical reality show, Indian Idol 15, where she was asked about her work and whether she would ever star in a Dharma Productions film. Kangana retorted by saying that Karan should work with her instead and offered to give him a 'proper part' in her movie.
"I'm sorry to say, but Karan sir ko mere saath movie karna chahiye (should do a movie with me). I'll give him a
very good role, and I'll make a very good film, which will not be saas-bahu ki chuglibaazi and which will not be just, you know, PR exercise. It will be a proper film, and he'll get a proper role,” said the actor.
It should be noted here that Kangana and producer Karan Johar don't have the best history, especially after their infamous Koffee with Karan episode, where Kangana called the director the 'flagbearer of nepotism.'