The sleeper-hit Kannada movie 'Kantara', which has created an unprecedented buzz at the box office, will set a new record on November 1, when it becomes the first Kannada film to be ever screened at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Rishab Shetty's film has impressed the audience not only in the South region but the Hindi belt too. The audience are loving the rawness of the film and they have been showering love and praise on it by thronging the theaters in large numbers. The film features Rishab Shetty and Sapthami Gowda in the lead and has been written and directed by Shetty himself. 

Now, it will be screened in Vietnam. This has been made possible because of the community's

initiative to celebrate the state's formation day on November 1 in the Vietnamese capital. It was on this day in 1956 that the state of Mysore was created. It was renamed Karnataka in 1973.

The screening will take place at the prestigious Institute d'Echanges Culturels avec la France in Ho Chi Minh City. The Kannadiga diaspora also congratulated the entire team of 'Kantara' for making a movie that captures the true essence of the traditions and beliefs of the state. Dignitaries from the Indian Business Chamber in Vietnam (INCHAM) will also be invited for the screening and so will the consulate officials. The idea behind the screening is to promote the language and culture of Karnataka.
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