Director Hansal Mehta's The Buckingham Murders starring Kareena Kapoor finally premiered at the prestigious BFI London Film Festival. The actress shared her excitement on social media. Along with pictures, Kareena Kapoor wrote a lengthy note and shared how she was nervous and excited at the same time. She wrote, "Jas was a character I have been waiting to play for the last 23 years, being a huge fan of the detective series genre...watching everything from Karamchand to Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect to Agatha Christie in Hercule Poirot to Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown, I was just dying to be the detective woman. On a 25-page synopsis given to me by Hansal and Ekta, I started reading it at 1:00 a.m., I knew I had found

the woman I wanted to be.

She also added Ekta, Hansal, and I set off on this journey to make a slightly unconventional film, but a film that is with heart, a bit of smile, and oh my god, lots of tears...it played at the British Film Institute last night, and as this film starts its journey...in the world of movies...I couldn't be more nervous and excited as an actor and a first-time producer...I feel so odd writing that...but I feel really cool...So giving you all a glimpse of this gem we made...into the world of Jas Bhamra. I do hope Jas hasn't ended her journey yet, because it's been a dream to continue this wonderful yet strong woman whose grief is beyond measure but stronger than she knows".
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