Kartik Aaryan will be seen in Ram Madhvani’s next film titled Dhamaka. The actor announced the project on his 30th birthday. He shared the motion poster of the movie on Instagram with a caption that read, “Aaj mera Birthday hai. #DHAMAKA hona chahiye.”
The film will mark Aaryan’s first collaboration with Madhvani, who is fresh out of the success of Disney+ Hotstar web series Aarya.
Talking about Dhamaka, Kartik Aaryan said he is excited to step into the thriller zone and play a journalist who covers a terror attack in Mumbai.
“This for me is a miracle script and had me on the edge of my seat all through the narration. I knew this is the script that would give me the opportunity to explore a different side of me as an actor. I can’t wait to transport myself to Ram sir’s world
and see his vision translate on the big screen. This is also the first time I am collaborating with Ronnie and RSVP, and I am looking forward to this journey,” Kartik Aaryan said in a statement.
Director Ram Madhvani said that as a filmmaker, he is always “inclined towards human stories.”
“Though this one is a thriller at the outset, there lies a lot of emotion and drama in the screenplay that leads to the adrenaline rush. This film demanded a young actor, with a certain amount of rawness in the space. Kartik, being one of the most talented actors in Bollywood, fits the bill,” Madhvani said.
Kartik Aaryan’s Dhamaka will go on floors this December. The filmmakers aim to release the movie in 2021.
Apart from Dhamaka, Kartik will also be seen in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and Dostana 2.
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