The Kerala Police Chief has directed registration of a case following a complaint against Sudipto Sen's movie 'The Kerala Story,' which claims that 32,000 women from the state were forcibly converted and recruited to the terror outfit Islamic State. A source in Kerala Police Headquarters confirmed that State Police Chief (SPC) Anil Kant on Tuesday directed the Thiruvananthapuram city police Commissioner to register a case and look into the complaint by a Tamil Nadu-based journalist.

The complaint was sent to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan who forwarded the same to the DGP for appropriate action, the source said. The top police official, thereafter, directed the hi-tech crime inquiry cell of the police to conduct a probe and submit a report, the source said.

Based on the cell's report, the SPC has directed registration of an FIR and investigation into the complaint, it said. In the controversial teaser, actor Adah Sharma -- wearing a burqa -- is seen saying she was a Hindu woman who was converted to Islam and recruited into

the ISIS and presently languishing in a jail in Afghanistan. She also says in the teaser that this was the story of 32,000 other women from Kerala.

Talking about the film, producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah earlier said, "This story is a human tragedy, one that will shake you to the core. When Sudipto came and narrated it to me along with his research of over 3-4 years, I was in tears in the first meeting itself. That was the very day I decided to make this film. I am glad that we are now progressing with the film and we hope to make a very real, unbiased and true narrative of events." 

"As per a recent investigation, since 2009 - nearly 32,000 girls from Kerala and Mangalore from Hindu and Christian communities have been converted to Islam and most of them end up landing in Syria, Afghanistan, and other ISIS and Haqqani influential areas! Despite accepting these facts, the government is hardly contemplating any definitive action plan against such huge international conspiracies led by ISIS-influenced groups," he shared. 
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