Kannada actor actor Yash's upcoming Pan India film 'Toxic' was recently shot for several days in Mumbai with the KGF actor and Kiara Advani. The film that also features Jawan actor Nayanthara was earlier schduled to release on April 10, 2025. However, the film is now being postponed. Read further to know about the latest update on the film.
Geeta Mohandas aka Geetu Mohandas, who has been into acting for about 23 years and then moved to direction, may have created a stir with the latest development on 'Toxic' sets. According to an Amar Ujala report, Yash may have rejected an entire shoot after watching the footage of the month-long shooting in Mumbai for his film being made after
the film 'KGF 2' and Kiara Advani. Seems like the director Mohanddas has also given the green signal to the move. Hence, the film that was earlier scheduled to be released in April is now being postponed till Christmas 2025. Meanwhile, with Nayanthara joining the film, there are also indications that now she will be the lead actress in the film.
It is significant to note that after the record-breaking success of both the films from the 'KGF' franchise, Yash rejected all the film offers after receiving dozens of offers from the Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam film industries. Later, he approached National award-winning filmmaker Geetu Mohandas to direct the film 'Toxic'.