Another teaser of the upcoming Bollywood film Tere Ishk Mein has been released on Tuesday. With this, Anand L Rai has also revealed the face of his leading lady, the one who will break Dhanush's heart after Sonam Kapoor in Raanjhanaa. While the first teaser of Tere Ishk Mein showed Dhanush's aggression, the second one features Kriti Sanon and her resilience. It is significant to note that Tere Ishk Mein is National Award-winning actor, Dhanush's third Hindi film after Raanjhanaa and Sara Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar starrer Atrangi Re. Moreover, all three films have been produced by Anand L Rai.
Almost 12 years after their first collaboration in Raanjhanaa, Anand L Rai and Dhanush are set to reunite with Tere Ishk Mein as director and actor.
The official announcement was made through an entertaining teaser, which the fans liked very much. However, it only featured Dhanush. Now, the makers have released the second teaser featuring Kriti Sanon. In this video, she is seen amidst the riots. Moving forward, she is seen spraying petrol on herself. The teaser ends with her lighting a cigarette.
Kriti shared the teaser of the film Tere Ishk Mein on Instagram and wrote, 'Some love stories are meant to emerge from the flames. Shankar and Mukti are proof of this... in Tere Ishq'. This is Kriti's second film that will also be dubbed or shot in a South Indian language. Earlier she worked in the Pan India film Adipurush with Om Raut and Prabhas. The film was released in five languages.