Hina Khan, a popular TV actress known for shows like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai and Kasautii Zindagi Kay 2, faced a major challenge in 2024 when she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Despite this, she stayed strong, continued working, and shared her journey on social media to inspire others.
Fellow cancer survivor Rozlyn Khan recently accused Hina of exaggerating her condition for publicity. Rozlyn said it’s unrealistic for someone
undergoing chemotherapy or major surgery to travel and make public appearances, as Hina claims to have done. She also questioned Hina’s claim of a 15-hour surgery, calling it unusual and misleading.
Kamaal R. Khan, known for his controversial opinions, supported Rozlyn’s statements. KRK said Rozlyn has personal experience with cancer and wouldn’t lie about such a serious issue. He believes Hina might be using her illness to gain attention.