Madhur Bhandarkar's upcoming movie India Lockdown teaser has been released on Tuesday and the audience will witness the horrors of Covid-19 again. The teaser clip begins with the historic announcement of the first lockdown in India, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Featuring footage from different parts of the nation, it depicts the effect of the lockdown on the lives of people. While many lost their jobs and source of income, some lost their loved ones forever. All the pain and terrifying moments during the lockdown are depicted in the teaser.

It stars Prateik Babbar, Aahana Kumra and Shweta Basu Prasad among others. It’s backed by Jayantilal Gada of PEN Studios, Madhur Bhandarkar’s Bhandarkar

Entertainment and Pranav Jain’s P J Motions Pictures. Shweta Basu appears in the role of a sex worker who is seen questioning the seriousness of Covid-19 amid the lockdown announcement. Prateik plays the role of a migrant worker who is forced to return to his hometown with his family, on foot due to lack of work. On the other hand, Aahana Kumra as a pilot is seen resorting to alcohol while being stuck at home.

Director Madhur Bhandarkar took to his Twitter handle to unveil the teaser of the movie. He wrote, “The tragedy you know, the untold stories you don't!” All in all, the film promises to show the ugliest side of the covid pandemic in an unfiltered way and will stream on 2nd December on Zee5. 
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