The murder mystery Silence has been confirmed for an OTT release on March 26, tweeted lead actor Manoj Bajpayee on Saturday. The film also features Prachi Desai and Arjun Mathur in pivotal roles. Produced by ZEE Studios and directed by Aban Bharucha Deohans, the film is about a woman's mysterious disappearance.
"When everyone is hiding the truth, justice will thrive despite the Silence.
Prepare for a murder mystery that will keep you guessing till the end. #SilenceCanYouHearIt premieres 26th March on @ZEE5Premium," Bajpayee wrote on Twitter.
The film traces the story of the mysterious disappearance of a woman, whose corpse is discovered by trekkers a day later. The film also stars Sahil Vaid, Vaquar, Barkha Singh, Shirish Sharma, Sohaila Kapoor, Amit Thakkar and Garima Yagnik.
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