Anant Ambani gifted luxurious watches to select guests during his wedding festivities earlier this year. According to sources, the watches were worth approximately Rs 1.5 crore each. Singer Mika Singh, who was invited to perform at Anant's wedding, expressed frustration over not being among the special guests who received the extravagant gift. However, he admitted being content with the substantial fees he was paid for his performance.

In an interview, Mika shared his experience of performing at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding celebrations. He candidly expressed his disappointment, saying, "I went to perform at Anant Ambani’s wedding. He distributed a lot of money to everyone, even to me. But I am angry about one thing: I did not get the watch that all the other close

people got.”

Mika continued, "Anant bhai, aapka chota bhai hun yaar, sabko ghadi di hai... (Anant bhai, I’m your younger brother, yaar. You've given a watch to everyone...) In fact, I was gifted a gold chain and a watch at a US concert, which I wasn’t even expecting. But at the Ambanis', I was expecting that I would get something. So, Anant bhai, whenever I come to your home next, give me whatever you wish."

When asked about his remuneration for performing at the wedding, Mika revealed, "I was paid a lot of fees. But I cannot tell you how much this amount was. If you want to guess, I can say that I got so much money that I could easily spend five years with it. I don’t have any special expenses. So I could easily spend five years with that money.”
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