Monalisa Bhosle, a 16-year-old from Madhya Pradesh, who has gone viral for her looks since her appearance at the Maha Kumbh 2025, is set to make her Bollywood debut. She is set to star in the upcoming project, The Diary of Manipur.
Hailing from Maheshwar, Khargone district, Monalisa has been offered a Bollywood film by filmmaker Sanoj Mishra. The writer and director in a social
media video announced that he will be featuring Monalisa in his movie - The Diary of Manipur.
Sanoj Mishra in his video gave a glimpse of his meet-up session with Monalisa and her family in their village, where he observed their simplicity. He mentioned that he has taken on the responsibility of introducing the viral sensation to the industry and ensuring a secure future for her.