Mumbai Drug Bust LIVE Updates: Aryan Khan, the son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, will be produced in court today after he was arrested by the NCB in connection with a drugs case. The lawyers of Aryan’s friend Arbaz Merchant have filed a bail application for him along with an application seeking CCTV footage of the raid. In the latest from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), sources told that the agency has detained a foreign national and commercial quantity of drugs was recovered from him yesterday night. Also, the phones of Aryan Khan and others were sent for forensic analysis. Based on last night’s seizures, there is a possibility that the NCB may seek further custody of three people today, including Aryan Khan.

The NCB busted a drugs party onboard a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast and arrested Aryan and seven others on Sunday. Denying any relief to Shah Rukh Khan’s son, whose legal team vehemently opposed the plea of the Narcotics Control Bureau, the agency furnished WhatsApp chats, recovery details and additional raid information to show the involvement of the accused. The heated arguments saw Aryan’s lawyer

Satish Maneshinde objecting to NCB reading aloud the list of evidence seized against the accused, suggesting that the judge should peruse it silently. These were chat details recovered from Aryan Khan’s WhatsApp conversations. Aryan Khan has been accused of consumption of drugs, and his chat history of July 21 this year has also been cited as crucial evidence by the agency.

NCB had sought custody till October 11, but was granted the custody till October 7. NCB argued that the investigation was at crucial juncture, and that they needed to confront all the co-accused. It also argued that related leads had led to bigger recoveries, and claimed that others suspected to be involved in the drug racket were not cooperating. The NCB in its remand application said that 2.5 gms ecstacy, 54.3 gms MD have been seized from a suspect. It said that 2 gms charas too had been seized on the information of one of the arrested accused. “Many operations are on,” the remand copy stated. The agency argued that the evidence uncovered so far about Aryan Khan and the co-accused “clearly shows nexus between suppliers and peddlers on a regular basis.”
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