Bollywood's chocolate boy, Kartik Aaryan went to seek blessings at Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai ahead of Shehzada release. The actor visited the temple with his family but along with God's blessing, he also got a challan from the Mumbai Traffic Police. Reportedly, Kartik parked his luxury car in no parking zone. The Mumbai Traffic Police has made sure to tell everyone that the laws are same for everyone, even a celebrity will not be spared for violating the traffic rules.

Since it was a Bollywood actor's challan, the Mumbai Traffic Police shared a hilarious tweet in a filmy way. The police shared the picture of Kartik's Lamborghini car on their Twitter handle along with a quirky caption, "Problem? Problem yeh thi ki the car was parked on the wrong side! Don't

do the 'Bhool' of thinking that 'Shehzadaas' can flout traffic rules. #RulesAajKalAndForever". Although the traffic police blurred the number plate of the actor's vehicle, the number plate of the vehicle can be clearly seen. 

This tweet with a wit sparked Twitter users and they started reacting to the post as well. “Kya ye shjada ka pramotion hai (Is this a promotion for Shehzada),” asked a person. “No need to blank the number plate. Though its very easy to read the number and find who the name of Bollywood actor,” wrote another. "Mumbai traffic police is come such a low now for promoting films they are using such stunts ..wonder how come you didn’t ask exact location or said “when police officer reached it was not found so", wrote another one.
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