Ahead of Jawan’s release, there were many rumours about Vijay doing a cameo in Shah Rukh Khan‘s film. It was said that the Tamil star shot for a secret schedule in Chennai, where the song “Zinda Banda” was filmed. After the release of Jawan, there were speculations that the two superstars were acting in a film, directed by Atlee. Now, the director himself has confirmed that he is working on a script for a film featuring both the stars.

In an interview with popular Tamil TV presenter and YouTuber Gopinath, Atlee revealed an

update about the SRK-Vijay film. During the Chennai schedule of Jawan–when “Zinda Banda” was shot–the director also celebrated his birthday with Shah Rukh and Vijay in attendance. “I called Vijay Anna and invited him to the party, and he said he would make it for sure. So, when he came, Shah Rukh sir and Anna discussed between themselves and called me. Shah Rukh sir told me if I ever have plans of directing a dual hero film, they both are ready for it. Vijay Anna also said, ‘Ama pa’. So, I am working on it. It could be my next film,” Atlee said.
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