Multiplex Association of India (MAI) on Tuesday said that the National Cinema Day, which was earlier scheduled to be celebrated on September 16, will now be held on September 23. Over 4,000 screens at multiplexes from across the country, including PVR, INOX, Cinepolis, Carnival, and Delite, have teamed up to offer "celebratory admission price" of Rs 75 to mark the National Cinema Day.

The MAI said the commemoration of the National Cinema Day was postponed "on request from various stakeholders and in order to maximize participation". "The Multiplex Association of India (MAI) and Cinemas across India, welcome moviegoers to spend a day at the movies with a celebratory admission price of Rs

75 to mark National Cinema Day.

"The National Cinema Day was previously announced to be held on 16th September, however, on request from various stakeholders and in order to maximize participation, it would now be held on 23rd September," the national multiplex trade body said in a statement. The National Cinema Day will bring together audiences of all ages to enjoy a day at the movies, added the MAI.

"National Cinema Day celebrates the successful reopening of cinemas and is a 'thank you' to the moviegoers who made this happen. National Cinema Day is also an invitation to those moviegoers who haven't made it back to a cinema near them, yet," the association said.
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