Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter, Navya Nanda, recently made her debut at the Paris Fashion Week. Shweta Bachchan cheered for her daughter as she walked the ramp. She also took to social media to share several photos and videos from the event as she attended it with her mother and actor-politician Jaya Bachchan.

Navya Naveli Nanda, who is the new face of the beauty brand L'Oreal Paris, turned heads with her stunning debut at the Paris Fashion

Week. She walked the ramp on October 1. Navya wore a striking off-the-shoulder red dress. The event was attended by her mother, Shweta Bachchan, and grandmother, Jaya Bachchan, who also cheered for the 25-year-old.

Shweta Bachchan took to Instagram to share photos and videos from the event. In a video, Navya is seen walking on the stage and blowing kisses at her mother and grandmother. For the caption, Shweta wrote, "Little miss L'Oreal (sic)."
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